Sunday, August 12, 2007

Life...and I'm liking it

the summer has ended.
i am not longer boss.
i am no longer coordinator.
i am no longer living in new hall.
in three hours, i am no longer in the
two days in chicago with the lovely lauren wrapped up and i went on my EARLY connecting flight to Ft. Lauderdale where i sit now waiting for my cayman flight...
i really don't know the last time i went on vacation...just definite working awkward situation... just relaxation.

sometimes i just wonder why i am so incredibly, overwhelmingly, and inexplicably blessed. this idea i've tossed around since reading a book entitled "the ultimate blessing." it evaluates this idea of what it really looks like to be blessed. when we say "God bless america, what do we really mean?" do i feel blessed because i am going to the caribbean? am i blessed for leaving school without loans? ...because I have amazing friends? ...because of a supportive family? ...because i am fed regularly? ...because I can get up and walk on my own any time i want? what defines blessed?
what happens if this trend ends? if after college God decides to use me among those in poverty and he allows all the material things in my life to fall to the wayside. he certainly did it for Job. was Job still blessed? would I still feel blessed?
and maybe it's not that i even need to "feel" blessed, but rather just recognize that i am. at what point in stripping things away do i become "unblessed." and maybe it's at these points that i am to truly embrace James 1:2 "Consider it PURE joy, my dear brothers, when you face trials of many kinds." i know i continue to grasp further the meaning of this as life passes on and i wonder how it is that my understanding of it will continue to develop.

wow...there was some stream of consciousness...haha...enjoy :)

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