Sunday, May 4, 2008


I am finishing my packing for New Zealand and realized that I am neglecting to really post about the trip! I am, no doubt, still very excited about it! God has been working in my heart since May of 2005 to prepare for this and now on Tuesday it will finally take place! There are 7 other wonderful IWU students going with me and we are going to be doing many different things over there to serve and encourage the New Zealand Wesleyan churches. We fly out at 1 pm on May 6, skip May 7, and land in New Zealand at 5 am on May 8. We are running a Kids Klub at Papakura Wesleyan Church every Thursday and at the end of our trip helping with a national convention that brings all the different churches and cultures together. Other than that we are just trusting and knowing He will do great things through us if we are available!

We will be flying back June 3 and because of the 17 hour time difference...we will have 44 hours of June 3. :) I should finally be home June 4. If you would like to read our updates, they are on a blog.
username: maytrips08
password: worldimpact08

You will need the username and password to log into it and my posts will be labeled with New Zealand in the title. We will be trying to update as often as possible, but no news is good news! :)

I covet your prayers for us during this time. Please be praying that we will see opportunities for God to use us there and that His protection will be over us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Thank you!

'Tis SO Sweet

Since around February there has been a recurring song in my life. It's the old hymn "'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus" over and over this would come up at church, in chapel, walking through a building, in classes...really, truly everywhere. And every time it just made me really emotional. Probably because of the whole stepping out after graduation deal. I want to know what really trusting Him looks like. And I know that's a dangerous thing to ask, but I really do seek after it. So whether it's figuring out moving hundreds of miles from my family or going to opposite hemispheres, yeah there are anxious feelings that well up, but this song keeps bringing me back to center.

Being the google nerd that I am...I found out a pretty amazing story about it's composer. The song was written by a woman, Louisa M. R. Stead. Out of one of her darkest hours—the tragic drowning of her husband.
Louisa Stead was born in England. She felt the call of God upon her life for missionary service. She arrived in America in 1871. In 1875, Louisa married a Mr. Stead, and to this union was born a daughter, Lily. When the child was four years of age, the family decided one day to enjoy the sunny beach at Long Island Sound, New York.
While eating their picnic lunch, they suddenly heard cries of help and spotted a drowning boy in the sea. Mr. Stead charged into the water. As often happens, however, the struggling boy pulled his rescuer under the water with him, and both drowned before the terrified eyes of wife and daughter.
And out of her struggle with God during the ensuing days, flowed these meaningful words—“Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus.”
Taken from: (

God has put some huge opportunities ahead of me. They are so much bigger than who I am, but I pray that through it I learn over and over how to lean on Him.

’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, And to take Him at His Word; Just to rest upon His promise, And to know, “Thus says the Lord!”

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him! How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! O for grace to trust Him more!

O how sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to trust His cleansing blood; And in simple faith to plunge me ’Neath the healing, cleansing flood!

Yes, ’tis sweet to trust in Jesus, Just from sin and self to cease; Just from Jesus simply taking Life and rest, and joy and peace.

I’m so glad I learned to trust Thee, Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend; And I know that Thou art with me, Wilt be with me to the end.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Something New...

Well, I never post on this, but as I am approaching on this new season of life I'm realizing I need to try to keep up with it more so that I keep in contact with so many of you! So, where to start on the updates...

I had a great senior year at IWU. I lived with some of my closest friends and made new and I have so many memories from it that are still making me laugh. A few of us went on a cruise to the Bahamas (it was WAY cheap or we wouldn't have done it...much love to travelocity) for Spring Break and that was amazing! On the way down and back we stayed with a couple friends, Adam and Mindy Pierce, in Atlanta as they were gracious enough to let 4 college girls all over their home for a few days. It was a fun time to see them again after their time in Sri Lanka.

Now prior to this time I was really thinking I would probably be working at IWU after so many do, and work as an admissions counselor. After all, I had worked there a few years as a student worker, so it seemed to make sense, right? Well, as we left this trip and were driving out of Atlanta, I continued feeling the presence of the Lord pressing me to seek out Atlanta further. I was there on a mission trip in 2002, but other than that had few connections to ministry there. I just kept praying about it, asking virtually every trusted person in my life what they thought about the idea, and googling like crazy. I had no ideas or plans, but there was an overwhelming peace that I should be there. So, I emailed random ministries and they forwarded to other ministries and before I knew it I had a road trip planned with quite a few meetings. While school was still in a couple pastors from 12 Stone, a Wesleyan church just outside of Atlanta, came to interview some students for intern positions at their church. A lot of people had told me to check it out, but for some reason I wasn't sure I wanted to. After about a 20 minute conversation with them my entire mindset was changed. Which...if you've had a taste of my stubbornness doesn't happen easily. :) So, I was really beginning to see that the it was the Spirit nudging me here.

April 26 (this past Saturday) I graduated from IWU with degrees in Adolescent Ministry and Intercultural Studies. As of Monday, I drove to Atlanta to seek out opportunities there. I met with various ministries Tuesday and Wednesday. Each one of them I felt like I could do, but in praying about them there was nothing pulling me toward any of them. Wednesday afternoon I met with Miles, the college/intern pastor, had some good meetings and decided to stay Thursday for their college service and to hang out with his amazing assistant, Stacey, for lunch. Talking with people I've heard a lot of good about the church, but so much of it was confirmed being there. I can't explain it, because I know it's not a me thing. All this to say, last night (Thurs.) Miles offered me a position there as an intern. I will be working with the Community/ Global Outreach area of their ministry for the next two years. The move will probably happen around the second week of August, so I'm still around for a little bit. It seems like a really sudden decision from the outside, but this is something God has been solidifying in my heart for longer than I can even tell you. How incredible that God even cares about my peace of mind that I could know this before I leave for a month...just amazing.

Tuesday (May 6) I leave to lead a team of 7 IWU students on a mission trip to New Zealand and I will be there until June 3, then doing a couple youth camps for Indiana North in Fairmount the second and third week of June, and a missions trip with Voices of Power to Philly in July. I'm hoping to have some sort of moving away party in late July so look forward to details for that! In the mean time, I'd love to be able to see you and hang out! Thank you for coming by my blog...leave a comment and let me know you were here. :) Blessings, Cami